Friday, September 16, 2011

Funny story!

So I was in Media Planning the other day and my full bottle of water fell off my desk. I didn't think anything of it even though there was some small damage on the bottom of the bottle. I placed it on the floor and looked back at my computer only to realize that my desk was wet. I wasn't alarmed at all I did have cold water in my water bottle so I figured it was from that. Then I decided to take a drink from my water bottle. So I grabbed it from the floor only to realize that the small damage was a lot more extensive then I first thought because there was water gushing from the bottom. This definitely alarmed me and luckily I was in the back of the class so no one was paying attention to me. I thought to myself that I need to do something about this so I don't leave a liter of water on the floor. so I put my hand underneath the water bottle to hold the gushing water and I started to drink as fast as I could. Every drink seemed to be forced and every time I drank and I lowered it from my mouth the gushing intensity would lower until the whole water bottle was empty.

Being filled with to much water I started to listen to Brother H's lecture again.
Crisis Averted!

I think about it now that I could have just left the class and dumped it out in the bathroom sink, but then I was trying not to bring attention to me because Brother H was lecturing.


Heather said...

lol oh camilla I am glad you have a blog and I am glad for your cute stories. They make me miss you.

sarbear said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh Camilla and I can SO CLEARLY picture that! Oh, Camilla you crack me up!!!

Jaynann said...

Ha ha ha! Nice job getting out of that one!!