Monday, October 3, 2011

One thing

So life sucks right now. I just got rejected by a guy that I really liked and was a friend that I hung out with a lot. His roommate is dating my roommate so he asked him if he would date me and he said he would never date me. So he doesn't like me and he never will! He also said he is shallow and a horrible person but he is okay with that. I have lost all desire to try to date. It's to painful and I am sick of guy making me feel like this. Feel like since I am fat I am not worth dating. It sucks that one thing about me is such a turn off. Everyone tells me that personality is so important but it's not! it has a part of it but it's not as important as LOOKS! I hate it that people including guys tell me how great I am and how great my personality is but when it comes down to it it's not enough! I am not enough! And I hate that! How can love really exist in a world that is so vain, shallow, and peddy. I hate that he would rather date shallow woman that hurt guys because they can instead of date me a girl that would never hurt him! I feel like the only important thing to boys is if the girl is hot or not. Stupid stupid BOYS! I am so done trying. If he doesn't like me then the other guys that I was interested won't either. All the boys are the same anyway.

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